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Yumiko is going straight into

my book of secret beauty weapons!


The cupping comes first. This is 'soft cupping', with therapist Yumiko Inoue gliding silicone cups over my abdomen and face, rather than pressing them down.


It is combined with manual lymphatic drainage, massaging areas of bloating with her hands.

The idea behind cupping is to remove toxins and improve blood flow (it's been used in hospitals in China since the Fifties) and, when combined with lymphatic drainage, it can de-puff and de-boat.

After 90 minutes, my cheekbones seem more prominent my jawline less squashy and my abdomen flatter. Yumiko is going straight into my book of secret beauty weapons. The effects won't last forever (around four days) but it would be a great pre-party treatment.

Perfect For Before An Event!


Manual Lymphatic Drainage Treatment at Urban Retreat.

It will help contour your body with focus on the jawline, neck, underarm and stomach.

Smoother lines await.


The tension and bloating has dissipated!

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Manual Lymphatic Drainage with cupping designed to drain the lymphatic system (a network of tissues and organs that deal with the body's waste) and reduce bloating, tackle cellulite and digestive issues, improve circulation and detoxification.

The therapist presses and massages each part of my body with a fragrant oil before soft, malleable silicone cups are used to create more pressure and a firmer massage - unlike glass cups, they don't leave marks on the skin. 

For the most part it's relaxing but when the therapist reaches the back of my thighs it's quite uncomfortable. "You have some blockage here." she tellsme, and as she works the area it really feels like she's moving my insides around.

After an hour, the tension and bloating I was feeling in my stomach and legs has dissipated and I'm considerably more relaxed.

Yumiko was a complementary therapist 

at the Royal Trinity Hospice in London 



​クレア氏の学校を卒業した生徒で、英国在住の井上裕美子さん(Yumiko Inoue)は、セラピスト歴20年以上のキャリアがあり、ロイヤルトリニティホスピスの補完医療のセラピストとしても活躍されていました。現在も3つのサロンを掛け持ちし、リンパドレナージュとリフレクソロジーに特化した施術を行なっています。

According to Keith, who has a direct relationship with Claire, Claire is not a medical professional, but her touch care was truly wonderful.

Yumiko Inoue, a graduate of Claire's school and currently living in the UK, has over 20 years of experience as a therapist and was also active as a complementary medicine therapist at the Royal Trinity Hospice.

She currently works at three salons, specializing in lymphatic drainage and reflexology.

Best Body Treatment - Yumiko

at Khera-Griggs Cleanse Clinic

in Knightsbridge


The Royal Borough's approach is more holistic than overhaul; think subtle tweakments and non-invasive therapies over surgical procedures. Instant results with minimal downtime are key and if they happen to bolster our gut health or realign our chakras too, then all the better.

Urban Retreat has converted a five-storey building christened 'The White House' into a health and beauty emporium.

We've searched the hotspots to cherry-pick the stand-out treatments, products and therapists that'll have you hopping straight onto the Piccadilly line.


Yumiko Inoue's Manual Lymphatic Body Treatment uses massage, reflexology and cupping techniques to smooth, flatten and debloat in all the right areas.

This body treatment gave more of an immediate 'WOW' effect than any of the more high-tech treatments!


Less mundane than body brushing altogether is the Manual Lymphatic  Drainage Cupping treatment with Yumiko Inoue at Khera Griggs clinic, a treatment that could only be described as the Rolls Royce of lymph drainage. Aside from the fact that is is blissfully relaxing and includes a rather fabulous 'mini facial' with the sculpting suction cups (if you feel your face looks bloated this is for you - she also does a pure facial version) this body treatment gave more of an immediate 'wow' effect than any of the more high-tech treatments I've tried.

Yumiko works over the entire body, using soft silicone cups that lightly suction onto the body, allowing her to gently pull the skin away from the deeper layers of fascia. Moving the suctio cups in a stroking massage towards the lymph node, toxins and excess fluid are duly drained away; for me, it was on the stomach and hips that the reduction in sponginess was most apparent - my eans were immediately looser.

After the first session,

your body will feel lighter!


The brilliant Japanese therapist Yumiko slathers you in oil and runs the soft cups meticulously over every inch of your body. For the most part, the suction sensation is quite relaxing, with only a little discomfort around the thighs.

After the first session, your body will feel lighter, but after four treatments, when the lymphatic system is fighting fit, expect to feel particularly energetic.

Beneficial side effects include cellutlite breakdown and reduced water retention.

Khera Griggs Signature Cupping, Facial with Yumiko Inoue, in Knightsbridge, London

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Utterly pampering, you'll fall asleep after the first few minutes, Yumiko removes any make-up, then presses the reflex points on the right side of your face, with your left hand facing upwards "towards tghe sky", which she says helps her connect with the universe. Nearly all massage based, the facial continues with a combination of massage and cupping to drain the lymph, with Yumiko using silifcone facial cups to gently pull the skin away from the deeper layers of the fascia, throughj careful manual suction. She checks the lymph nodes on the neck at the beginning and end of the facial, and can tell by any decrease insize if the treatment has worked.

The Latest Beauty Spot at Urban Retreat

at The White House in Knightsbridge



​しかし中に入って驚くなかれ、「Urban Retreat at The White House(アーバン リトリート アット ザ ホワイトハウス)」はハイテクケアからメディテーションまで、あらゆる施設を結集した一大ビューティースポットなのだ。

​​​​一番の目玉は個別のカウンセリングや赤外線サウナ、ヨガ&瞑想といった多様な観点から腸活とスリミングに働きかける「Khera-Griggs Cleanse Clinic(ケラ・グリッグズ クリニック)」。

A chic white townhouse quietly stands in the Knightsbridge district lined with luxury department stores.

But don't be surprised when you step inside - Urban Retreat at The White House is a major beauty spot that brings together all kinds of facilities, from high-tech care to meditation.


The highlight is the Khera-Griggs Cleanse Clinic, which works on intestinal health and slimming from a variety of perspectives, including individual counselling, infrared saunas, yoga, and meditation.


My jeans were a bit baggier post-treatment!

I went to see Yumiko at Urban Retreat, where she works two days a week, and she incorporated a little bit of fascia release, too (fascia is a thin membrane that runs under the skin, which can become pinched in certain areas so the release feels really good).

You'll see lots of people posting before and afters of lymphatic drainage because it does really reduce puffiness; I noticed my jeans were a bit baggier post-treatment.


Practice in Notting Hill, Marylebone, Belgravia or Gloucester Road


WhatsApp or Text to 07939250527


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